Friday, August 12, 2016

Spider-Man vs. The Joker - Part 2 FRIDAY NIGHT FIGHTS!

If you haven't read part 1 yet, CLICK HERE FIRST!

Spider-Man frantically swings downtown, searching for his wife Mary Jane. Spidey thinks about the events he just witnessed as his webslinging takes him to downtown New York City, debris and smoke fill the air around him. "This is crazy! First this Joker guy robs a bank, and then blows up half of New York! And now, Aunt May is dead! What am I going to do?"

He spots MJ, sitting alone on a bench, as police and emergency responders scurry furiously around her. Spider-Man drops down next to her, "MJ! Are you alright!? What happened?"

MJ replies in a hushed tone, so as not to bring attention to the fact that she's married to Spider-Man, "Oh, Peter, I'm so sorry, there was nothing I could do! May wanted me to take her shopping for your birthday and you know how she is."

"Yeah, she gets an idea in her head that she wants to do something and there's nothing anyone can do to stop her." Peter responds. "So what was it, the explosions?"

"Yes! Suddenly things started blowing up, and May was thrown across the street. Before I could even reach her though, some man in a purple suit was at her side. Peter, it was weird. He looked like a clown! Then he picked up Aunt May, looked at me and laughed and ran off into the dust!"

"Wait a minute!" Peter said suddenly. "So, she's not dead? He just took her?"

"I don't know! Who is he?!" Mary Jane shrieks in response. "I couldn't get to her. I had been knocked down myself, and he was there and gone before I could even get up. Peter, why would he take her?"

"I don't know, MJ, I just met him a little while ago. He said something about coming to New York to play with me." Spider-Man whispers. "I don't know what this guy knows. Only that he calls himself the Joker and just killed a lot of people! I've got to find him!"

Spider-Man comforts Mary Jane and then finds a police officer. After a short conversation, Spider-Man returns to Mary Jane. "Cops say there've been 12 seperate explosions. All at historical or culturally significant places. Outside the NY public library, the Met, the Museum of Natural History, Yankee Stadium, Madison Square Garden, Chelsea Piers, the entrance to the Brooklyn Bridge, the NY side of the George Washington Bridge, Columbus Circle, the Empire State Building, and here."

"Why here though, Peter?" asked MJ. "This is neither historical or cultural. We're not even across the street from anything."

"That's what I was just thinking," replies Peter. "And why did he stop here during his escape?" Spider-Man pauses, as he thinks. "MJ, I have to go. I think I've got a lead to find this guy. And with any luck, Aunt May is still alive!"

"Go get him, Tiger," encourages MJ. "I'll be fine."

Spider-Man shoots a web into the air and takes off, heading South East from MJ. He thinks to himself, "He must have taken Aunt May as an easy hostage. There's no other reason. He doesn't know who I am, so how could he know she was important to me?"

Swinging to a rooftop, Spidey organizes his thoughts. "So he robs a bank in midtown, escapes capture and makes it downtown within 5 minutes. First of all, how is THAT possible? More importantly though, why was he going this way?"

Spidey turns around to look at the city, he can see smoke billowing from where the explosions erupted. He thinks out loud, "Ok, so most of the explosions went off in midtown, one in the Bronx, one at the GWB and two downtown with one of those at the Brooklyn Bridge. I'm guessing he's got a hideout somewhere in the East Village. Somewhere between the Brooklyn Bridge and..."

Spider-Man looks South, the realization dawning on him. "The only section of the city that is untouched. The Financial District." he says to himself as he leaps off the building firing off a webline and swinging towards Wall Street.

As Spidey gets closer to the New York Stock Exchange, a buzzing goes off in his head. "Spidey-sense is going crazy! This is it!" he says to himself as he lands on the roof of the NYSE. He finds a vent on the roof, and rips it off the screws; then climbs in, quietly making his way to the floor of the NYSE. He finds another vent that empties out on the ceiling just above where they ring the bell to signal the closing of the market. Spider-Man silently opens the vent and crawls up the wall to the ceiling, trying to get a look at the room before making a move.

"Ok, there are gun toting henchmen everywhere tying up or keeping watch over several groups of hostages that are gagged and tied to computer terminals all over the room. No sign of May though. I don't like that one bit," he thinks.

Suddenly there's a loud bang just below him, as the Joker along with two goons burst through a door behind the bell. He pushes a bound and gagged Aunt May in front of him, holding a long barrled revolver in his other hand.  The goons lift May over the side of the balcony to muffled cries from the people below. "HeeheeheeHAHAHA oh relax, everyone! I'm not going to kill her yet! I just want to decorate this place a little bit. HeeheeHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" cackles the Joker. The goons prop Aunt May up so that she hangs out over the railing of the balcony, dangling above the floor.

"What's the plan, boss?" Asks a goon next to the Joker.

The Joker's shoulders drop and he lets out an anguished sigh. "The plaaaan, my dear boy, is to DO WHATEVER I SAY!" shouts the Joker and shoots the goon in the head. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I might look like I'm joking, people, but believe me; I will kill you all! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! NOW START THE PROGRAM!"

Spider-Man looks over to see a goon shove a weepy, overweight man with glasses to a computer terminal. "I-I-I....I don't know if this will work." whimpers the man.

"The boss says it will work, so it'll work. Just get it running!" shouts the goon forcefully. The man plugs a device into a computer and types a few things, there's a beep and suddenly numbers start to race across the screen. "Oh my god!" shouts the man. "You're transferring all financial information to some account in the middle east?!"


Spider-Man springs into action, swinging from the ceiling and grabbing his Aunt May in mid-swing. He lands on the opposite side of the room, spinning a web to keep May stuck to the highest point of the wall, away from danger. "You stay here, pretty lady. Everything is going to be ok." Spider-Man assures a now unconcious Aunt May.

"You again, eh?" asks the Joker. "I thought the explosions would be enough to keep you busy, but I see where your priorities are now."

Spider-Man flips to the floor and fights off a couple of goons, then turns and faces the Joker who is still on the balcony. "New York City has some of the greatest emergency responders in the world, and the citizens here know how to take care of each other in the face of disaster. Leaving me the opportunity to take you out! You can't win, Joker, you have to know that!" says Spider-Man.

3 more goons come at him, firing their fully automatic weapons. Spider-Man flips backward to a wall, shoots a web at a group of computer monitors. Then he leaps at the goons, while swinging the webbed monitors above his head. He flings the computers at the charging henchmen, knocking them across the room, unconcious. Realizing he's close to the whimpering man who started the computer program, Spidey twists and fires a web at the device attached to the computer. He pulls it out forcefully, so that the device strikes the wall and shatters into pieces.

"You're done here now, Joker. Your plan is foiled, and your goons are no match for me. Save us all the energy and give up!" demands Spider-Man.

"HooHoo! Hahahahahahahaha!" laughs the Joker. "Did you think I'm that easy, wallcrawler?! HAHAHAHAHAHA! Giving up is not my style! HAHAHAHAHAHA! No no no! I thought you were smarter than this, Spider-Man. I thought that our first encounter would have taught you something!"

Spider-Man looks around, taking a closer look at the hostages tied to the computer terminals. They all have explosives attached to them, just like the people at the bank!

"This time though, hahaha! This time, there's no timer, there's no escape for them! I have the trigger right here! Hahahahahahahaha!" says the Joker, revealing a red button attached to the hand that's not holding the long barrled revolver. "This trigger has a proximity meter. Once I am at a safe enough distance away from you and this place, then these people are safe. BUT if you get too close to me, then I just squeeze the button and KA-BOOM! EV-ERY BO-DY DIES!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHa----ooof"

While the Joker is monologuing, Spider-Man has fired two web lines on either side of the Clown Prince of Crime. Using the weblines like a slingshot, Spider-Man propels himself straight at the Joker, catching him with a swift and strong kick to the Joker's long pronounced chin! With incredible speed, Spider-Man catches the Joker, and knocks the gun away and grabs the Joker's hand with the trigger button attached.

"Desperate times call for desperate actions you could say." Spider-Man calmly says to the Joker, and snaps the Joker's wrist, and then the Joker's thumb making him unable to squeeze the trigger. He webs up the Joker, keeping the trigger as far away from the rest of his body as possible. "Hahahahahahahahaha. You can't stop me, Spider-Man. I might just be here in passing, but your crusade will NEVER end! HAHAHAHAHA if it's not me playing with your brain, it will be someone else. So go ahead, stick me to your webs and lock me away in your madhouse. It's the same thing I tell my batty friend, it's YOUR FAULT there are crazies like me in this world! YOU are the reason these bad guys attack this city...YOU ARE TH--***muffled sounds, then muffled laughter***"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I get it." says Spider-Man after shooting the Joker with a mouthful of webbing, clearly over the overdramatic monologue. "Even if you're right, I'm not giving up. No matter who comes to this city to stir up trouble, I'll be here to stop them." With that last line, Spider-Man carefully rips the trigger mechanism from off of the Joker.

The police arrive just in time to see Spider-Man lowering Aunt May to the ground.

"What happened in here?!" yells a police officer. As Spider-Man goes to explain, he glances up at the Joker, who has disappeared. He sighs, "Just another day in the life of your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man. Great job, fellas, keep up the good work and make sure this lovely lady gets some medical attention right away. Looks like she took a nasty bump on the head."

Spider-Man leaps up to where he webbed up the Joker, but there's no sign of him. "Where ever this guy winds up. I hope there's someone like me there to stop him in time."

WINNER (for now): Spider-Man.

Thanks for sticking with me for Part 2. I figured the only way to give this fight justice was to give the Joker an evil scheme that Spidey would have to figure out. Of course a straight up fight between Spider-Man and the Joker would last all of 3 seconds. Spidey is too strong and quick to ever consider the Joker a physical threat. The Joker is all about pyschology, and causing as much chaos as possible, combined with the fact that he's ready to die at any moment makes him very dangerous.

I hope you enjoyed this story as much as I did coming up with it. Do you have any super heroes or villains that you'd like to see face off? Send me a tweet @SuperNerdyNews or leave a comment on my Super Nerdy News facebook page! Have a great weekend! 

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