Friday, August 26, 2016

Friday Night Fights- Team Tournament Ep. 2 Recap

Recording episode 2 of The Good Shit Podcast CLICK HERE TO LISTEN! was an emotional roller coaster. It was recorded on location at the same place where the idea for the podcast originated. Jimmy Nonas's garage. Many of hours of conversation have happened in that garage, and now we're recording it. Luck you haha.

We arrived in my hometown and settled in for an episode we were all very excited to talk about, and even recorded over an hour worth of of material until the laptop crashed and we lost everything we had just done. This has happened to me before, except that time I lost over 2 hours of an episode. So, needless to say, I was not happy. You can hear the anger and disappointment in my voice in the rest of the episode that we were able to keep. THAT was a roller coaster in itself. So we finished recording, and I started to upload the episode to soundcloud and the upload failed at 23%, then again at 24%, then again at 34%. It would finally upload without a problem after Austin and I had left and were on the highway. THEN the episode wouldn't play, saying, "no playable" and offering no full run time. Austin will back me up when I say that I was starting to freak out a bit. I am not one to freak out either. I was PISSED.

Anyway, one last desperate click on the play button miraculously worked and we could listen to our episode!!! BUT...the run time still wouldn't come up, so if you tried to fast forward or rewind, it would just start from the beginning. I was so mad, that my curse words weren't curse words anymore, "of all the rat-fartin, lizard lickin, piece of hairy cracker cookie buckets!" or something like that. I was done, I couldn't take anymore. So I took a deep breath, reset the app, and low and behold THE RUN TIME APPEARED! And all was well.

Despite all that trouble, we all had a great time recording everything. I have never seen Jimmy cry until yesterday, and I don't know if it was because he was in a lot of pain (most likely) or because he was laughing so hard, or both. Maybe both. This episode is worth listening to for that part alone. Listening to playback on the way home, Austin and I were cracking up! There's a few sound bytes from yesterday, that I hope you find while listening. Anyway, sorry for the long intro, here's the recap:

First match was an all-star team of Marvel Big Bad Guys (Red Skull, Dr. Doom, Dormammu, Loki, the Mandarin, Ultron, and Abomination) vs. The Inhumans (Black Bolt, Medusa, Karnak, Crystal, Gorgon, Inferno, and Maximus the Mad).  This was part of the stuff that was lost. It was a great discussion though. We really got deep about various ways the Inhumans could fight these villains, but ultimately the villains won. The more we talked about it, the more it became clear that the Marvel Bad Guys are just way too tough. It reminds me of one of my favorite comic book stories, Old Man Logan, where the villains all teamed up to kill all the heroes. And it worked!

Winner: Marvel Big Bad Guys. They are going to be a very tough team to beat.

Next up was He-Man & the Masters of the Universe (He-Man, She-Ra, Man-at-Arms armored with Roboto, Stratos, The Sorceress, Fisto, and Ram-Man) vs. the Justice League (Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, the Flash, Martian Manhunter, and Shazam). Jimmy makes a good point early in the conversation, saying something like; for a fan, of course Superman would face off against He-Man. He's right. As an enormous fan of both characters. that was the fight I wanted to talk about the most. But we're not doing that. No, we're trying to find out who the best TEAM is and that includes actual battle strategy. So with Batman calling the shots, the Justice League would send Martian Manhunter up against He-Man, where his strength can stand up against He-Man's and he could morph into a dragon or something to keep He-Man busy.  Wonder Woman and She-Ra would face off, but after awhile Wonder Woman would win. The combo of Batman and Green Lantern would take care of Man-At-Arms even armored with a sentient robot (Roboto). Superman would easily take out Stratos, Fisto, and Ram-Man. The Sorceress, we decided, would cast a confuse spell on Shazam, and he would turn against his team, giving Superman something to deal with for a while.

What it came down to was He-Man and the Sorceress vs. the entire Justice League. Ultimately the Justice League wins. Even if we continued the discussion to the very end of the battle, eventually the Sorceress would be defeated; and He-Man would be forced to fight the full might of the Justice League on his own, until he died. Even if He-Man could land a killing blow on even one of the them, the sheer power of the League would still be too overwhelming.

Winner: The Justice League. Although, I think there's a stronger argument for He-Man and his buds that I missed out on. It probably wouldn't have made a difference though.

Next up came GiggleFest 2016! I mean, we laugh throughout the entire episode, but holy shit was this funny. The Thundercats (Lion-O, Panthro, Tygra, Cheetara, Wiley Kit & Kat, Jagara) vs. the Avengers (Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, Spider-Man, the Hulk, Doctor Strange, and the Sentry). I'm not even going to write it out, you really have to listen to it. Even if you don't want to listen to the whole episode, skip to minute 22. That's where this fight discussion starts as do the Jimmy giggles. Adorable.

Sorry, Jim, if we made you hurt too much. I hope you're feeling better.

Winner: The Avengers. duh.

Last but not least was the best fight of the tournament so far! AND I was actually SHOCKED by the outcome. Another must listen! It was the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (Allan Quatermain, Mina Harker, Mr. Hyde, the Invisible Man II, James Bond, Captain Nemo, and Harry Potter) vs. the Universal Movie Monsters (Count Dracula, Frankenstein's Monster, the Mummy, the Creature from the Black Lagoon, the Wolf Man, the original Invisible Man, and King Kong). Probably the most evenly matched fight of the night, we had Harry Potter shrinking King Kong to a normal sized Gorilla, which Allan Quatermain and James Bond would be able to take care of, while Harry fought the Mummy in an epic magic battle that Harry would eventually win. Dracula would be attacked by Mina Harker and the fight would be a good one until Harry Potter finished off the Mummy and Dracula decided he needed to focus on the LoEG's main threat, and kills Mina Harker. Hyde and Frankenstein's Monster square off in a prize fight sort of thing when some outside interference from Captain Nemo helps take down the Monster. Quatermain easily kills the Creature from the Black Lagoon, and hunts down the Wolf Man. We decided that Quatermain would have armed himself with silver bullets for this fight. After the defeat of most of the monster team, the LoEG all team up to fight Dracula, the Lord of the Vampires. Dracula's powers would actually prove to be too much. Appearing and reappearing behind each League member, biting and infecting some, mortally wounding or killing the others. At the end, Count Dracula's power and centuries worth of battle experience and overall wisdom wins the day. The character of Count Dracula proved to be stronger than I ever anticipated. Going into recording yesterday's episode, I was 90% sure we would decide the LoEG would win, but I was pleasantly surprised. And that's what I love about this tournament.

This last fight proved that even if a team is down to their last member, there is still a chance for victory! Thanks for reading, please go and listen to the episode as I worked real hard on these breakdowns (or scouting reports as I refer to them as in the podcast) and organizing the podcast. My friends did a great job and were a tremendous help with yesterday's episode. So thank you Jimmy and thank you Austin! And thank you readers/listeners! Can't wait til next episode! ANOTHER CHANCE TO CLICK TO LISTEN!!!

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