Tuesday, August 30, 2016

All-Star Movie GOOD GUYS - Team Tournament Breakdown

Our 2nd All-Star Team that isn't based on comic book characters! These Movie Good Guys we decided on is still being debated, but as I stated at the beginning of this tournament, each team is being created to be the most formidable they can be. So take a look at these guys!

The Terminator T-800 - Arnold Schwarzenegger's most popular role and one of my top favorite all time movies (Terminator 2: Judgment Day)!!!! He's a cybernetic organism (Cyborg) with a neural net processor (a learning computer), so he has all the capabilities of a killing machine, IE enhanced strength and durability. He's nearly unstoppable, being made of a metal alloy that is nearly unbreakable, plus his CPU allows him, or "it" rather, to be an expert marksman and target multiple enemies. In this situation, the T-800 is armed to the teeth with a mini-gun (like in the Cyberdyne scene in T2) and a plasma rifle the Terminators use in the future.

Predator - another movie with a great Schwarzenegger role! Predator is one of my favorite movies from the 1980's and still holds up today as a great action movie. Predator is from a race of aliens that are obsessed with hunting and have become master intergalactic game hunters. They've traveled the universe collecting trophies of every species they see as a target. For instance, in the first Predator movie, the Predator stalks Arnold's special forces team, picking them off one at a time and cleaning their skulls as trophies. We see a better example of this in Predator 2 (underrated sequel) when Danny Glover stumbles into the Predator's space ship and sees the trophy room. Predator sees in heat vision, making him born to hunt. His helmet heightens that vision, although it's been proven that his enemies can hide from his sight by somehow camouflaging their body heat. He also has a laser blaster mounted to his shoulder. He can target enemies with this laser, using his helmet. Predator also carries a variety of weapons, including a retractable metal-like razor sharp spear, razor sharp disc-shaped throwing blades that he can throw and then come back to him, and foot long retractable blades that come out of his gauntlet on his right arm. On top of all of this, Predator has a portable CPU attached to one of his gauntlets. This CPU can allow him to turn nearly invisible and, if Predator falls in battle, can cause an explosion with a detonation as powerful as a nuclear blast.

Neo - the One. From the Matrix. He's the Superman of that universe. The only one capable of seeing the Matrix for exactly what it is and manipulate it for his own needs. In this instance, all of his powers Neo has in the Matrix are available to him for this fight. Neo is a master of all martial arts, and if ever encountered by a form of fighting he's never seen, he can have the knowledge instantly downloaded directly to his brain. He has super strength and speed, can dodge bullets and punch through solid stone. He's also a master of weaponry, with the same ability that he has with fighting.

Robocop - another cyborg, but this time his humanity is what drives him. Robocop is a man, reborn with a cyborg body. He has enhanced strength and is nearly invulnerable. He is a master marksman, with his CPU allowing him to perfectly target enemies. He can analyze an enemy's offense and within moments can devise a defense against them. His left thigh also acts as a holster for his high-powered hand gun that can go from semi-automatic to fully-automatic in an instant.

Rambo - John Rambo was just a soldier returning from Vietnam, who was abused and harassed by a local sheriff while passing through town as a drifter. Instead of just taking it, Rambo fought back. Then he was sent into enemy territory to rescue prisoner's of war. Rambo is a great representation of Hollywood sensationalism. Rambo; First Blood is a great movie and actually has a message with it about how we treated our vets returning from war. A lesson that people still need to learn today. In First Blood Part 2, we got to see why Rambo was a war hero to begin with. With each movie, Rambo became even more ridiculously sensational. The last Rambo movie is incredibly violent and Over The Top (see what I did there? I mentioned another terrible Stallone movie that I love) action scenes and terrible dialogue. Bottom line here is that Rambo is an awesome hero with a buttload of battle expertise. He could work as the team's battle commander and call the shots while being a fierce fighting force on his own.

Ash from the Evil Dead - Ash is a reluctant hero, but still a great hero regardless of his situation. He's battled demons, ghosts, and the Army of Darkness all with one hand stuck to a chainsaw and his boomstick (double barreled shotgun). Ash is also a real tough guy, who is able to take a lickin and keep on tickin. Remember! Shop smart. Shop S-Mart!

Jack Slater the Last Action Hero - another Schwarzenegger role and, arguably, his most underrated role. I loved this movie. It's full of great action scenes, and hilarious comedy bits. Arnold has some really great lines. Jack Slater is the ULTIMATE action movie hero. He can't be killed, he's super strong, a master marksmen, and is uniquely durable. By that I mean, he has "movie durability", so no matter how terrible he's hurt and seems close to death, it becomes a flesh wound and he survives.

The Odds:
This is a fun and interesting team! They have a lot of power and fighting experience, and with a battle hardened Rambo as their field commander, could really be a tough fight.

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