Friday, June 24, 2016

The Prophecies of Game of Thrones

Good day there, Faceless Men and Women of the Internesteros.

In honor of Sunday night's Season 6 finale, I'm blogging about my favorite prophesies in Game of Thrones. Prophecies are a big part of the mythos in the Song of Ice & Fire. There are several characters that could prove to be who the prophecies speak of, and some of those prophecies might not be true at all and could be total horse poop. Either way, they're lots of fun! So let's dive in!

Let's start with one that seems to actually be in effect. The Maggie the Frog Prophecy. If you remember back to last season, or in A Feast for Crows, a teenaged Cersei meets Maggie the Frog in the woods outside of Lannisport; where the future Queen demands the supposed witch to tell her fortune. She allows Cersei to ask 3 questions, but she gave 4 answers. They are:

1. "When will I marry the prince? Never. You will wed the king."
Cersei was set to marry Prince Rhaegar, but he wound up marrying Ellia Martell, and Cersei went on to marry Robert Baratheon after the rebellion.

2. "I will be queen though?" "Queen you shall be, until there comes another, younger and more beautiful, to cast you down and take all that you hold dear."

Sounds like trouble, and sounds like Margery. No wonder, Cersei doesn't like her.

3. Will the king and I have children? Oh, aye Six and ten for him, and three for you.
This means 16 bastards for Robert and 3 kids for Cersei. Which totally happened, and Cersei ordered them all to be killed.

Maggy wasn't done though, "Gold shall be their crowns and gold their shrouds. And when your tears have drowned you, the valonqar shall wrap his hands about your pale white throat and choke the life from you."

This is the only part that hasn't happened to Cersei yet. Joffrey is gone, Marcella is gone, but Tommen still lives. I think Tommen dies on Sunday, possibly by Cersei hand but after looking at the prophecy again. It might be Margery that kills him.

Valonqar, if you're wondering, is High Valaryian for "younger brother". Immediately people think Tyrion, but think of this. Jamie was born a few mintues after Cersei and is technically her younger sibling. Jamie is also in a better position to kill Cersei than Tyrion is right now. Maybe Tommen dies, and Jamie blames Cerseit and then kills her for it? I don't know.....SUNDAY!!!!!

My other favorite prophecy is called The Prince That Was Promised.  No one knows where or when the prophecy originated, but some clues point towards Old Valyria around 1,000 years ago (from the current story time line).  There is also some connection to a hero of old Azor Ahai, who's been mentioned by Melisandre the Red Woman sproadically. Melisandre was following Stannis around because she believed him to be Azor Ahai reborn. The prophecy says:

"When the red star bleeds and the darkness gathers, Azor Ahai shall be born again amidst smoke and salt."

Now, the prophecy of the prince that was promised and the rebirth of Azor Ahai are not necessarily the same thing. They could be seperate prophecies referring to two different people. So....I know you're asking, who is it?

Well, obviously Stannis is NOT the prince that was promised. So who else? Well, the biggest contender for the title is Daenarys. She was "reborn" in the bonfire with her dragons right? And that was when the red comet was seen all over the world.

The other major contender is Jon Snow. He's reborn from the breath of life prayer Melisandre adminsters, and if you look close during the first episode of season 6. Jon's wounds appear to be smoking. I mean, it's steam riseing from the warm body into the cold air, but still PROPHECY THINGS!!!

The rebirth of Azor Ahai is the only prophecy to have words to them. The prince that was promised, and a 3rd prophecy called the Last Hero are also very similar to the Azor Ahai prophecy. They may seem the same, and if you believe Melisandre, they could all be about one person. But I think they are at least 2 different people. I believe Dany to be the prince that was promised and the last hero and Jon Snow to be Azor Ahai reborn! I know what you're saying, "How can Daenerys be the PRINCE that was promised?"

Clues to both of these theories appear in the last book, A Dance with Dragons. Before Maester Aemon leaves the Wall for his trip with Sam to Oldtown, he gives Jon a book with certain pages marked.

The pages told of Azor Ahai. Lightbringer was his sword. Tempered with his wife's blood if Votar can be believed. Thereafter Lightbringer was never cold to the touch, but warm as Nissa Nissa had been. In battle the blade burned fiery hot. Once Azor Ahai fought a monster. When he thrust the sword through the belly of the beast, its blood began to boil...

Jon was brought back to life with by the power of the Lord of Light. Dany was not. Jon fits the Azor Ahai profile better.

For Dany, clues to her being the prince can also be found in A Dance with Dragons. Before Maester Aemon dies he says to Sam,

"What fools we were, who thought ourselves so wise! The error crept in from the translation. Dragons are neither male nor female, Barth saw the truth of that, but now one and now the as changeable as flame. The language misled us all for a thousand years."

Aemon is referring to the language of the prophecy. In Old Valyrian, prince means both male and female. BOOM!

All the prophecy stuff is a lot of fun, and it's one of my favorite little quirks to the books and show. But we all have to remember what George R.R. Martin has said before, "We have to remember that not all prophecies are meant to go anywhere. Remember, prophecies are words. And words are wind."

Have a great weekend! Enjoy the finale on Sunday! I'll be back next week with my review. I'm also working on a podcast. First episode of The Good Shit was recorded yesterday, you can look for it on itunes shortly. In the meantime, be sure to follow me on twitter @SuperNerdyNews and give me facebook page a like.

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