Wednesday, June 22, 2016

All of these Game of Thrones theories are way too complicated

The title of this blog says it all. If you are a Game of Thrones fan and one of your favorite things this season is (what feels like) THOUSANDS of internet fan theories.

We're now about 5 days from the season 6 finale, and the internet continues to churn out more and more theories and most of them are about specific characters.

Arya is the most popular topic it seems. Fan reactions were mixed about how she ended her time with the Faceless Men in Episode 8 No One. I will admit that the scene with the Waif was way too much like Terminator 2, but I fully believed that Arya was able to beat her in the dark with Needle, wounded and everything.

Before Episode 8, the most popular theories suggested that the Arya we saw get stabbed, was not Arya at all. Or that the Waif and Arya were the same person, and the Waif was a figment of Arya's imagination. Like Tyler Durden in Fight Club. Now the latest theories offers the idea that the Waif actually killed Arya, and took Arya's face to wear. Basically saying that the Waif took over as Arya and will go live as Arya Stark now. I call bull shit.

I'm sorry, but these theories are just way too complicated. What all of these people, and the theorists in general, are forgetting is how great of a story teller George RR Martin is. The few people that have been able to guess his final outcome, remain silent for a reason! Some of these ideas we hear, while creative, are also just way too much. Martin is a great writer, but every twist (once revealed) has clues hidden throughout his books that you can find once you go back and read the series again. The show is the exact same way.

Season 6 was the show's first season that was not based on an already published book. Winds of Winter still has yet to be released.  So the huge cliffhanger from last season was unknown to even the most adept reader. HOWEVER, not to toot my own horn, I WAS ABLE TO FIGURE OUT HOW JON SNOW CAME BACK BEFORE THE EPISODE AIRED. I know, I'm not the only one who did, and that's because all the clues that you needed to figure it out were all right in front of you.

Clues went all the way back to Season 2, when Melisandre (the Red Woman) was traveling through the Riverlands in search of King Robert Baratheon's bastard Gendry, who had escaped King's Landing and was traveling with Arya. When Melisandre arrived, Gendry and Arya were traveling with the Brotherhood Without Banners; one of the brothers was another Red Priest, Thoros of Myr.

Thoros told Melisandre a story of how he was able to bring his compatriot Beric Dondarrion back to life. He said that he had lost his faith a long time ago, and hadn't practiced his faith to the Red God for many years. Until he, along with Ser Beric, were ordered by Ned Stark (then King Robert's Hand) to find and kill Ser Gregor Clegane. During their quest, Beric was felled. As a last ditch effort, Thoros whispered a prayer to the Red God. He went on to reveal that he had brought Dondarrion back 6 times in total. Melisandre admits that she does not have that power. But then what happens in Episode 2 this season? Davos asked Melisandre is there is anything she can do. Any spells she might know maybe? Yeah? Well, give it a shot. She does and Bobs your Uncle, we have a new Jon!

Every bit of info needed to predict that was there. But not everyone has read the books, and not everyone has seen the show or rewatched the show. Every year. From start to finish. For 6 years. About to be 7.

Theories are fun. Don't think I don't like them. I LOVE Game of Thrones theories. Do you have any? let me know on Facebook on the Super Nerdy News page or on Twitter @SuperNerdyNews.

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