Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Game of Thrones - What's next?

So it's been a few days, but we're still feeling the glow after that masterpiece that was episode 10 "Winds of Winter". But what's next? What does season 7 have in store for us? Well, there are of course, no definite answers, BUT we have some clues from the finale to go off of so we can speculate what the season premiere will feature.  Let's take a looksee:

So Cersei is now the Queen of Westeros. Fully in command, but she has yet to talk with Jamie. I can't imagine Jamie being very happy about Cersei's choices, especially when one of those choices led to the death of their youngest child.  I don't think Jamie will react so fiercely that he'll kill her right away. Cersei will most likely be the main antagonist in Westeros throughout the next season, hopefully with a showdown between her and Dany. How awesome would that be? I think Cersei is headed for one of the biggest comeuppances (I think I made up that word) we have ever seen in the show. She is a terrible person, and the only part left to the prophecy she's connected to is her own death. Dany could attack King's Landing, and Tyrion could be the one to finally end Cersei's life. That would be fitting, but there are too many parallels between Jamie being called the Kingslayer and now Cersei being Queen.

As for Daenarys, the last shot of the finale was her and her forces sailing across what looks like the Narrow Sea. But is it the Narrow Sea really? Did you notice Varys standing just behind her on the ship? How could he travel half way across the world from Meerheen to Dorne and then back to Meerheen before Dany leaves? Unless, he didn't. I can hear your brains. "What is he talking about?" What if Dany didn't wait for Varys to come back. What if she met him at Dorne and is now sailing on to where they'll make camp. Makes sense right? And where do you think the fleet should land? How about the fortress that Dany's ancestors built when they first came to Westeros? That's right, I'm talking about Dragonstone! Yes, Dany could sail to and hide in Dorne, but why would she hide? She already has the backing of 2 great houses, Highgarden and Dorne, now she needs a place of her own. She'll take back Dragonstone, which we haven't seen since Stannis left it in Season 2, and from there she will launch her assault against King's Landing. Dany has really set herself up to totally conquer Westeros. An army of Unsullied, the mercenaries of the Second Sons, the power of the largest Kahlasar the world has ever seen, half of the Iron Fleet plus her own armada, and 3 nearly full sized dragons! What does Cersei have? The Lannister army basically, and a heavily fortified capital city.  I can't wait to see that fight!

Jon and Sansa have had quite the season, and really next year is up in the air about what will happen with them. I think Sansa is not done with Little Finger. She needs to keep him close to ensure that he won't betray her in anyway, and yet I feel like that betrayal is coming no matter what she does. She spurned his marriage proposal, but I don't think that will be the last time it is discussed. Little Finger has been holding onto a grudge against the Starks and Tullys since he was a boy. I do believe he wants to marry Sansa, as that would be a victory to him, like he got the last laugh after not ever being loved by Catlyn. Although, his ties to the Starks could be one he feels is necessary and a way of honoring Catlyn. Of course, with Little Finger, anything is possible.

As for Jon, we all know what his priorities are. He's most likely going to spend his time in season 7 preparing the Northerners for the war against the White Walkers. Although, now that he's the King of the North, he may need to act diplomatically. And along with encouragement from Sansa and possibly Little Finger turn his attention South to King's Landing. I don't know how much interest the Starks will have in taking the Iron Throne after just getting back Winterfell. Typically the North didn't get involved in happenings in the South unless absolutely necessary. But there is definitely one thing I think we all want to see happen! And that is either Jon discovering the R+L=J secret for himself or reuiniting with Bran!

I actually highly doubt Bran will reunite with his family next season. Bran is the 3 Eyed Raven now, and his priority is protecting the realm from the White Walkers and the Night King. Bran was last scene just outside of the Wall. That's where he'll stay too. Maybe the new Lord Commander Dolores Edd will contact Jon about Bran being there. But I think Jon discovers the truth of his parentage himself. And what could that mean for him?

Jon is such an interesting character. Led to believe he's a bastard his whole life, leaves the family he loves to take the black at the Wall, loses the only family he has at the Wall when Benjen disapears, gets taken captive while out on his first ranging, joins the Wildlings as an undercover brother, CLIMBS THE WALL, escapes the Wildlings, takes over command of Castle Black during the battle for the Wall which in turns gets him elected the new Lord Commander, learns that his entire family is either dead, missing or a hostage, gets MURDERED BY HIS OWN BROTHERS (of the Night's Watch that is), brought back to life, retakes his home from the Boltons, AND is named King of the North despite being a bastard in the eyes of his bannermen. AND NOW he's about to find out that the other half of him that is not a Stark is actually a TARGARYAN!!!

That in itself is a bit crazy. What little Jon knows of the Targaryans he's learned from Maester Aemon or from stories told by Old Nan when he was a boy at Winterfell.  However he discovers this secret, he's going to have butt loads of questions.

Season 6 ended with everything resolving wonderfully. Season 7 is set to be pretty awesome, but I have a feeling the good guys' victory won't last long. Cersei is in power, and who knows what that means for the rest of Westeros. Sigh. Unfortunately we all have to wait until April 2017 to find out.

If you didn't know already, the next 2 seasons will be shorter. Instead of 10 episodes, season 7 will probably only have 7 or 8 episodes, while season 8 (the last season) will only have 6 or 7. This sounds crappy, I know, but the show still has the same budget for each season as it has before. So each episode will actually be longer in run time and feature more each week. So, we're really not losing anything. In fact, as a believer that the story is the king, this is a fantastic decision. LOST was a show that suffered from having too many seasons. So if the creators of Game of Thrones only need 7 episodes to tell their story, then that is fine with me. Nobody wants a Hobbit situation, where they take 3 movies to tell 1 story.

So that's it right? No more GoT until next year? Yeah. BUT I'm still going to post about it! I rewatch the show from start to finish every year and there are so many theories and predictions to discuss. So, don't fret, this isn't the end, I swear to the Old Gods and the New.

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