Thursday, June 23, 2016

Game of Thrones Season 6 Finale Thoughts

I can't believe it's been 10 weeks already! This season has flown by! This was arguably the best season of Game of Thrones yet for several reasons.

1. The highly anticipated reveal of Jon Snow's fate. After the end of Season 5, we were all concerned what would happen to our favorite bastard. The show runners thankfully did not wait long to tell us.

2. This season sped the story along quickly and I really appreciated that. Some people were up in arms about how quickly the characters seemed to travel around Westeros. Especially Little Finger, who seemed to have some kind of teleportation device to make it from King's Landing to The Eyrie to Mole's Town then to Winterfell with an entire bloody army!  BTW, I know Sansa should have told Jon wtf she was planning with Little Finger, but also they totally could have shown up just a bit sooner, so ALL THOSE PEOPLE didn't have to die. Great episode though.

Moving on. Finale is on Sunday, here are some of my thoughts about what's to come.

Cersei is a crazy bitch and will blow up King's Landing or at least the Great Sept of Baelor using the cache of Wild Fire the Mad King Aerys stashed away. Cersei is at the end of her rope here. Her ace up her sleeve was the Trial By Combat that Tommen took away from her. She knows in her heart that she's guilty, and therefore to make whomever she feels needs to suffer, she will blow them all to hell.  I also think Tommen will die because of her actions.  Possible twist included would be the return of Gendry to testify on behalf of the Faith to prove that Cersei is lying and that all of her children are born out of incest.  This is possible, but also unlikely, as the High Sparrow's plan seems to involve controlling Tommen, so why would he prove that Tommen is not the true King? Either way, I think Tommen dies on Sunday night.

Daenerys Targaryan will leave Meerheen and Easteros by the end of the episode. Her story is progressing nicely now. She's got her fleet of ships, her Khalasar army, her Unsullied infantry, and 3 big ass dragons! Her team of counselors seems more trusting and wiser than ever before AND Varys has already left to start a campaign to align Westerosi houses to her cause! I believe her first stop will be Dragonstone, where she was born. The castle her ancestors built will be retaken by a Targaryan. Either that or she will meet Euron Greyjoy's Iron Fleet in open battle at some point, taking his ships too. I really think she'll go to Dragonstone though. She needs to confirm the ties to her ancestors, AND there's a possibility of more dragon eggs there. Maybe, don't hold me to that.

I'm excited to see what will happen with Jamie and the Freys. I do think Jamie will make a move that Crown will not be too happy about. Ala killing Walder Frey. The theories are that we'll see a reverse Red Wedding with Jamie and his army slaughtering the Freys. I highly doubt it. Why? Because it's been done! Why do it again? Maybe something similar happens, but from a story writer's pov, I don't see it happening. I could be way off though.

Moving North to what is arguably the most interesting story line. What will happen to Jon and Sansa? Well, I think we'll finally get a pay off to the R + L = J theory, but not in the way everyone thinks. We're going to get at least 1 more flashback through Bran, which will probably be that Tower of Joy scene that got cut off in Episode 2. BUT that doesn't help Jon at all, who isn't with Bran. Jon is the one that needs to know his heritage. So how does he find out without a telepathic time traveler? Easy. He already ordered Rickon's remains be buried in the crypt next to Ned's. Jon will go down there himself and have a look around. He'll notice something he never did before (in the books, Jon never went to the crypts in Winterfell because he had dreams that kept him from ever bothering), and that's a crypt reserved for him. Yes, he'll find out that Ned had a crypt readied for Jon Snow, and on his tomb will be 

                      Here Lies the Son of Lyanna Stark and Rhagar Targaryan

Or something like that. Jon needs some direction now that he's been brought back from the dead, retaken his childhood home and entered into an unknown alliance with a man he's never met. Speaking of which...

What is up with Petyr Baelish? This dude is the most coniving, cold and calculating SOB in Westeros. I am uncertain as what his endgame plan actually is, or what his ultimate goal is, but there are plenty of ideas. He's made deals with everyone, and they've unfolded so well that it leads me to believe that a major reveal is coming from him. Before he left King's Landing, Little Finger met with the Queen of Thorns, Lady Olenna. At the end of their talk, Baelish left her by saying, "I have a gift for you." I think that gift is Gendry. Some people think he was talking about how he knows where Sansa is. No, I think he has other plans for Sansa and Winterfell. He told Cersei to make him Warden of the North if he takes Winterfell, and he just did.  He also has a history with the Starks, especially Catlyn and Sansa. The clues are there, I believe he means to marry Sansa himself. However, I also think there's more to his plan than that. He obviously is interested in the events happening in King's Landing, I wonder if he means to take it after unifying the North?

We're a few days away from getting some resolution. But there are so many questions about the future of our favorite characters. Who will fight the White Walkers now that the best warriors of this generation have been killed? I think Samwell Tarley is the key to finding out how to fight the White Walkers. He took Heartsbane (the Tarley family Valaryian steel sword) and I don't think he'll make it to Oldtown to study. I think next season will see Sam and Gilly traveling through Westeros in search of more Valaryian steel weaopons.

Before I let you go, don't forget that Margaery Tyrell also has her own plan. Could she have made a deal with the High Septon, or a secret plan of her own, that leads to the death of King Tommen and keeps her on the Iron Throne herself? If Tommen dies, who inherits the throne? EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE I CAN'T WAIT FOR SUNDAY NIGHT!!!!!

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