Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Fan Question! Could He-Man BEAT The Hulk?

I have a buddy. His name is Conor. He's 5.

We got to hang out a couple of weeks ago and we played a lot.

We climbed on the playground and got lunch from a food truck.

At the end of the day Conor's Dad made a fire and we talked and laughed and played some more.

It was a good day.

That's how I probably would have described the day if I were 5, like Conor, who's the son of my cousin Tina. A couple of weeks back we visited Tina and her family (Conor, her husband Ken, and their son Kenny) for a fun day at the local winery. Conor really is my buddy, and I play with him every time I see him. That day he was really excited for me to get there, and to show me all the things he likes to do while at the playground. We played all day long while enjoying the beautiful weather at the Laurita Winery's Winterfest. It was almost 80 degrees in February!

Conor is a great kid, who's also incredibly smart and funny. Around the fire that night, Tina asked him how old he thought we are. He thought I was 12 (same age as his big brother Kenny), his Dad was 30, his Mom and my wife were both 20. Hilarious, adorable, and very insightful. Conor saw me, a grown man the same age as his Dad, as a child. I wasn't surprised. I talk about super heroes, Star Wars, and comic books ALL THE TIME! I have a Darth Vader hoodie where the hood zips up into the mask that I wear EVERY DAY. I have Superman, Batman, Captain Phasma, BB-8, and Star Wars logo socks that I wear proudly. I can talk about cartoon characters and movies that Conor and Kenny are just now seeing for the first time. Earlier in the day, Conor and I had a long and detailed conversation about the Transformers, their movies and the cartoons. For like 20 minutes. With a 5 year old.

I love it.

Now, something else happened that day that led to what I actually want to write about today. I introduced Conor to He-Man and the Masters of the Universe. The original He-Man and She-Ra cartoons are now currently available to stream on Netflix. Knowing that Tina and Ken were already fans of both shows, I only had to mention this and knew Conor would be watching it later. I was still there after he had seen his first episode. He came to find me to tell me about it.

"Mike, I watched the He-Man. I don't weally wike it."

"Oh ok, bud, that's cool."

"I'm gonna go watch anudder one."

A few days ago, before I went on a berserker Wolverine binge, Tina left me a facebook comment with a question from my buddy Conor. "Conor wants to know if He-Man or Hulk would win... it's 5:30 in the morning." I responded several hours later, of course, and told her that the answer was more complicated than a simple facebook comment. So here ya go, Con-man:

He-Man would absolutely beat The Hulk, but how he would do it is the hard part. For those that don't know, He-Man is the most powerful man in the universe and The Hulk, as in The Incredible Hulk, is the strongest one there is. The thing is... He-Man is the better fighter, with more combat skills, and battle experience PLUS a magic sword that could cut The Hulk! The Hulk, even if he had his alter-ego Bruce Banner's intellect, wouldn't be able to handle He-Man.

The fight itself would be epic though, with both men giving all they've got, with the climatic scene looking something like the two squaring off in the middle of a crater; the result of a major part of their battle, trading punches back and forth like prize fighters. The blows would have such force, that any trees around them would shake, sending birds into the air. Finally with a last burst of enormous power, He-Man would knock the Hulk into space, through a moon and out the other side! Having used so much energy, He-Man would revert back to his alter-ego Prince Adam, while the Hulk drifted in orbit.

That's just one way it could go, but regardless of how it ended, the victor would remain the same. He-Man for the win. He-Man's strength is on the same level as Superman, and his magical abilities plus battle experience would give him the edge.

I don't think Conor is going to pay attention through all of that, but maybe he'll appreciate it when he's older.

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