Monday, September 19, 2016

GoT Mondays! Season 7 Rumors with emphasis on Gendry

Vacation ends way too fast, am i right? Although, even when I try to "unplug" for awhile, I can't help but look out for comic book news and GoT stuff.  Since, GoT is as big as it is and everyone is still reeling from the end of season 6, there's plenty to talk about!

So, by now, any GoT fans probably have heard of the casting news of our favorite HBO show. The biggest name out of the casting news is Angela Lansbury, star of Murder She Wrote. There's been no official announcement on what part she is playing, so we can only speculate. I think her character might be of someone from the past, that we only see via flashbacks. Going off of other casting rumors that I've read, it looks like Rhaegar Targaryan will have a role in next season! Can't wait to meet him! Maybe it's possible that Angela Lansbury will play a Targaryan as well. Maybe Rhaegar's mother, Rhayella Targaryan, sister-wife of the Mad King. There's also been rumors the the Dragonpit will be seen in season 7! This is exciting for me, especially after reading about the Dance of Dragons and the events around the Dragonpit. If Ms. Lansbury is a character from the past, we might even get a flashback to the storming of the Dragonpit from the Dance of Dragons. Where Lansbury, playing Princess Rhaenyra, is spurned by the Iron Throne after usurping her half-brother's thrown and watches her newly won kingdom fall apart in front of her. Season 7 is probably going to have a lot of dragons, and so this is strong possibility. However, not all of this season will be told in flashbacks, thankfully. So, really, it's completely up in the air what part Lansbury will actually play. I do love to speculate though.

The most interesting casting rumors that I've heard recently is that the actor Joe Dempsie, who plays Gendry, was spotted in Belfast where they are filming season 7! IF Gendry is coming back to show, then what is the purpose of this reappearance? Back in season 5 there was a scene with Lady Olenna Tyrell from Highgarden and Petyr Baelish aka Littlefinger in King's Landing, before Littlefinger went North to Winterfell. In this scene Baelish says to Olenna that he "has a gift for here", now this scene was before Cersei's trial by the Faith when she did the shame walk. I originally thought that Gendry was the gift that Littlefinger spoke about, and that Gendry would be used as a chief witness to Cersei's incest relationship with her brother. Now, thinking about it, that would have been a waste of the character, and George R.R. Martin is a much better writer than that. does Gendry fit into the future of Westeros?

Well, let's see, seeing as he's on the run and (probably) still believes that the Lannisters and Melisandre is chasing him, it's possible that Gendry shows up in Essos rather than Westeros. HOWEVER, after seeing Dany on the ships, I think all focus will be on Westeros in season 7, so placing a character in Essos without any other supporting characters on that continent any more seems unlikely. So what else do we know? We know Gendry is a talented blacksmith, and before he was taken by Melisandre he was going to stay with the Brotherhood Without Banners to smith for them. So it's most likely that Gendry came to shore far enough away from King's Landing and Storm's End, but quiet enough so that he build a life for himself. What if his plan was to go North, like his friend Arya was trying to do? What if Gendry thought that going North to find Arya or get to Winterfell was the only way he would be safe, but couldn't make it at sea in a rowboat for more than a day or so. So on his trek North, he probably realized that he's have to pass by King's Landing, and so would force himself to row beyond Blackwater Bay. It's possible that he made it just past King's Landing, and made it to an island just off of the Crownlands. The island that Daenarys is also heading for. Dragonstone.

I think Gendry is the key to forging Valaryian steel weapons. Dragonstone is home to the largest cache of dragonglass in Westeros, so maybe Gendry came ashore there, finds work as a blacksmith and later meets Tyrion or Dany who recognize his talents and hire him to work for them. This would get Gendry back into the main plot and set him up as a major asset in season 8 when the war against the White Walkers will happen. Take a look at this map of Westeros below, it is TOTALLY POSSIBLE, and quite probable, that Gendry heads North from Storm's End, recognizes Blackwater Bay and continues North, then arrives at Dragonstone (which is at the far north side of Blackwater Bay) exhausted. Once there, he might even be planning on continuing North when an opportunity presents itself.

There's also the possibility that Gendry is reunited with Arya before she makes it to Winterfell. I've always believed there was something unfinished between them. We know that Arya has changed a lot since she last saw Gendry, and I think Gendry would be a lot more willing to listen to an Arya that has survived all that she has.

For us, Summer is over and Winter is coming. Once we get a scent of spring, the countdown to season 7 officially begins. Unfortunately, even once Spring arrives, we still have to wait until June for the show to come back. Until then, stick to this blog for your weekly dose of Game of Thrones talk. #GoTMondays!

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