Tuesday, July 26, 2016

San Diego Comic Con International Highlights Recap

WHAT A WEEK TO BE A FAN OF COMICS! So unless you've been living in a cave last week, then you are at least aware that the annual San Diego Comic Con International (SDCC) happened. What you may not know is that a lot of awesome stuff was revealed! Let's dive right in.

Game of Thrones Fans! The GoT panel was seemed to be a lot of fun. Hosted by It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia's Rob McElhenney, the attendees were show writers David Benioff and D.B. Weiss, director Miguel Spochnik (responisible for the spectacle that was the Battle of the Bastards), actors Liam Cunningham (Ser Davos Seaworth), John Bradley (Samwell Tarly), Nathalie Emmanuel (Missandei), Conleth Hill (Varys), Sophie Turner (Sansa), Iwan Rheon (Ramsey Bolton), Faye Marsay (The Waif), Isaac Hempstead Wright (Bran Stark), and Kristian Nain (Hodor).

First topic was of the delay in Season 7's release. Audience was assured that it was only because they wanted to shoot in actual Winter time, since season 7 takes place in Winter. Lots a fun questions were asked liked, "How much of season six was D.B. and David's imagination, and how much was George R.R. Martin's?" Answer was that it was really all Martin's, but they shot it specifically for television, which is why it felt quicker than other seasons. They spoke briefly about what moments in history helped inspire them to shoot the scenes they have. No specifics because that might give something away *wink wink*.

Some other highlights include: Sapochnik won't be back to direct in season 7, but hopes to be back for the 8th and final season. Liam Cunningham (Davos) gave his daughter the wooden stag that Davos had made for Shireen. Told a story about watching Shireen's death scene with his daughter, who was holding the stag and bawling her eyes out! He said he felt like the worst father ever. I laughed, because it was adorable. John Bradley (Sam) gave a theory he had about Sam's death, which is that since Sam loved books so much that he would be killed in the Citadel library when a wall of books fell on him. It was more of joke than a real theory, but you never know! The crowd was told that Sophie Turner made them all take shots of vodka before coming out on stage, so that's why some of them seemed out of sorts. Sophie in particular seemed to be a little drunk, but having a lot of fun. She did say something interesting about how Sansa feels about Jon being named the "King of the North". She said something about how Sansa doesn't think Jon has the knowledge or experience to rule and thinks that it should be a joint effort. So they should rule as King and Queen of the North. Interesting, maybe a look into what happens between them next season?

A heartwarming and heartbreaking moment came when Kristian Nain (Hodor) was introduced. Crowd went nuts for him, and again when he talked about the "overwhelming outpouring of love for his character" that he's experienced since his last episode. Also mentioned that he couldn't believe all of the Hodor door stoppers he's been seeing. Funny.

Final question to the staff was good: "Who do you think should sit on the Iron Throne at the end?" Writers couldn't answer, but everyone else got a shot. Miguel: Hope it's shared between Jon and Dany but knows that won't happen. Davos - quoted Martin saying it will be "bitter sweet", but gave no actual answer. Sam - Jon, out of loyalty. Missandei - says Dany, for the same reason as Sam. Varys - Says he already knows, but is not allowed to say. Ha! Ramsay - says to melt it down and form a democracy. That got a good laugh. The Waif - says Arya. Because... her character's input matters. *sarcasm because I don't know why she was even up there* Bran - says he'd like to see a Stark dream team rule the 7 Kingdoms. Jon on the Throne next to Sansa, Arya guarding them, and Bran sitting alone in the corner. And Hodor had the most sensible answer saying that he doesn't think the Iron Throne will matter by the end. But to give an answer then he would like to see Brienne rule the realm.

Next panel I checked out was for Star War Episode 8. There's not too much to talk about because they didn't talk about much. Which makes complete sense because the movie doesn't come out until December of next year. Rian Johnson (the director) talked a lot about the development of the movie and how it started during production of episode 7. The story was developed while they watched the dailies (scenes shot each day) that came in from the set. He said that Episode 8 picks up right after Episode 7 ends, which is something that has never happened before in a Star Wars movie. I thought this was interesting, as I really wanted to hear that first conversation between Luke Skywalker and Rey who could possibly be his daughter. Johnson talked briefly about how directing Star Wars was surreal, but that he was also aware of the responsibility he had to tell a great story, as well as the cultural signifigance of the series. He says that where episode 7 was an explosion of adventure and new characters. Episode 8 zooms in on those characters, very much like Episode V (The Empire Strikes Back). He finished up by saying that he was very excited to show off what they've been working on, and be back next year for the 40th anniversary of Star Wars!

John Boyega was introduced and assured people (without spoiling anything) that Finn was ok and alive in Ep. 8. New young Han Solo and the director of that movie came out, but didn't have much to say. Director of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story was also on stage, but didn't speak much. Then the crowd went crazy as Mark Hamill and Carrie Fischer were introduced. Neither had much to add to the panel, except for some humorous anecdotes. Carrie Fischer said how much she loves that these movies connect generations and allow families to bond with each other. Overall, there was not much info given, but only because the movie doesn't come out for another year and a half.

Onto the big ones! Marvel and DC were neck and neck for "winning" SDCC this year. After sitting out the Con last year, Marvel really brought the party. There's so much to talk about here, so I will keep it short as best I can.

In no particular order:
Spider-Man: Homecoming panel featured Tom Holland (Peter Parker) and 3 other cast members plus the director (Jon Watts). Watts described the movie as John Hughes-esque, a straight up High School movie. Which honors the Spider-Man character so well! Everyone seems so excited for this movie too. Tom Holland IS Peter Parker. I couldn't see the trailer, but it shows the High School drama that a 15/16 year old boy in 10th grade faces plus the challenge of being Spider-Man at the same time, and then kicks it up a notch when the Vulture attacks! So it's official, Michael Keaton will play the Vulture, and the concept art looks awesome!

Thor: Ragnarok - I got a look at the leaked trailer and wow! This movie could steal the show next year. It showed Bruce Banner on a distant planet, changing into the Hulk, and some battle shots. HULK IN GLADIATOR COSTUME FIGHTING THOR! A teaser of what Hulk and Thor were up to during Civil War was shown too, funny.

Black Panther had some casting announcements at SDCC. Michael B. Jordan will play the villain Killmonger. Danai Guerrera will play Okoye and Lupita N'yango will play Nakia. I gotta start reading up on Black Panter before 2018!

Doctor Strange comes out in November, so the panel showcased a new trailer which looks awesome! The MCU is about to change! Mads Mikkelsen (who plays Kaecilius) talked about what got him interested in the movie. He asked director, Scott Derrickson, if there was any combat in the movie and Derrickson described it as Flying Kung-Fu. Mikkelsen was sold! I am a big fan of the BBC show Sherlock, and especially of Benedict Cumberbatch as Sherlock Holmes, so I am super duper excited for BC to be joining the MCU as the Sorcerer Supreme. I will do a post about Doctor Strange closer to the movie's release.

All of this was great, but the Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 panel stole the show for me. First of all, I love James Gunn and it seems as though he's been let off the leash with this movie which is the best move Marvel Studios could make. So before the panel attendees were announced, the Ravagers with new leader Taserface (yes, you read that correctly) came out in FULL COSTUME and did a bit. It was hilarious. Here's the link that's totally worth watching, even just the beginning: https://youtu.be/XEF-Fd2fAG4

The biggest news out of this panel was that Kurt Russel would be playing the villain, EGO THE LIVING PLANET (in human form) and who is also STAR LORD'S FATHER! I can't wait to see this movie just to see how this plays out! I am so excited!

To end the MCU panel there was one more huge announcement, Oscar winner Brie Larson is officially the new Captain Marvel! Yes! I love it!

Marvel TV is not to be forgotten though! Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. will feature Ghost Rider next season. Cool. I missed season 3 because it wasn't very good, but I'll check out Ghost Rider!

Marvel's Netflix shows look pretty great! There was a teaser for the Defenders! https://youtu.be/wBZtM8q2Z1g

Also a teaser for Iron Fist! https://youtu.be/QCSPda7xQ3s
Both look great!
And of course they showed the trailer for Luke Cage that premieres in September, but the big surprise during the Luke Cage panel was JOHN BERNTHAL (The Punisher) joining them on stage! I can't wait for Luke Cage, that show is going to be so awesome. Here's the link to the trailer which I have seen 20 times now: https://youtu.be/Ymw5uvViqPU

I really enjoyed watching Kevin Feige get excited about all of this stuff. He just seemed to really love sharing all this with the fans. This was great, 2017 is going to be crazy!


So Suicide Squad was never something I was very excited to see. It seems intriguing, but after the theatrical release of Batman V. Superman, Suicide Squad didn't seem to look very good. The trailers look ok, the action seems fine, the inclusion of Batman is a positive, but the overall quality of the movie hasn't been sold on me yet. I have my tickets for an advanced showing next week, so we'll see. The panel didn't do anything to get me any more excited. Here's the link:

Wonder Woman however looks like the best thing Warner Brothers and DC have EVER done! The trailer looks absolutley incredible! It is shot beautifully, the action scenes look intense and amazing, Gal Gadot looks great in costume and really pulls off the warrior princess role very well! I thought she wasn't used well enough in BvS, but hoped her solo movie would really step it up and by the looks of the trailer, director Patty Jenkins has done a magnificent job! I'm more excited for Wonder Woman than for anything else in the DC Extended Universe so far. Here's the link: https://youtu.be/5lGoQhFb4NM

Justice League should have been the winner of SDCC, but I felt that the trailer was underwhelming and, if I may be so bold, a little dumb. First of all, Icky Thump by The White Stripes? What? There definitely seemed like there was potential there for a great movie, but I didn't really like the idea of Bruce Wayne publicly confronting Aquaman, it just seemed dumb and out of character. We'll see, I believe Geoff Johns' vision will make everything great, but I am skiddish. Here's the link: https://youtu.be/fIHH5-HVS9o

There was some stuff for DC TV shows like Arrow, The Flash, Legends of Tomorrow and Supergirl, but I haven't seen them yet. So maybe I'll post about them seperately. That's it for my recap for now though! However, the day is not done! I am proud to announce that there will be 2 posts today, the second by a guest writer! So stay tuned!

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