The Crime Syndicate comes from the DC Comic's Multiverse, specifically from Earth 3. They are the evil counterpart to Earth 0's Justice League. Jimmy and I decided to use the Forever Evil version of the Crime Syndicate, which was a storyline focusing on the Syndicate. They mirror the Justice League perfectly with characters like Ultraman/Superman, Owlman/Batman, Superwoman/Wonder Woman, Grid/Cyborg, Johnny Quick/The Flash, Deathstorm/Firestorm, Mazahs/Shazam. We tweaked the team a little bit, missing from the story's lineup is Power Ring/Green Lantern. We replaced Power Ring with Mazash despite the fact that Mazash was never a member of the team but actually an enemy. But we both think he's an awesome character and we make the rules, so ttthhhhppppp :-p
The Crime Syndicate is:
Ultraman - the counter part of Superman. He comes from a Krypton that did not explode and DEPENDS on kryptonite to maintain his superpowers. Ultraman's personality is also a complete opposite of Superman's. Where Superman is good and wants to save everyone, Ultraman is bad and wants to kill everyone. His abilities are exactly the same as Superman, with a dependency for Kryptonite. Powers include: superhuman strength, superhuman speed, superhuman stamina, invulnerability, heat vision, accelerated vision, x-ray vision, telescopic vision, immortality, and super-flight.
Superwoman - The Lois Lane of Earth 3 and the Wonder Woman counterpart. Like the rest of the Crime Syndicate she mirrors a member of the Justice League. So Wonder Woman comes from Themyscria aka Paradise Island, Superwoman comes from Damnation Island. Her abilities include Super strength, speed, agility, reflexes stamina, and endurance. Along with being able to fly, Superwoman also has superior hand-to-hand combat skills, a healing factor and carries magical weaponry. These weapons are really cool, the Lasso of Submission (mirrors WW's Lasso of Truth) a barbed lasso that tortures victims caught in it's hoop, a weaponized tiara, and a magical sword.
Owlman - The Batman of Earth 3; not Bruce Wayne, but Thomas Wayne. Again, like Batman, Owlman toes the line of his allegiances but acting more selfishly than Batman would. Also, like Batman, he is a master of all martial arts and has a genius-level intellect, after the events of Crisis On Infinite Earths, Owlman also has a chemically-enhanced "super-cortex" (I am not entirely sure what that means).
Johnny Quick - the Earth 3 counterpart of the Flash, but where the Flash gets his power from an alternate dimension called the Speed Forice, Johnny Quick gets his powers from injecting himself with a drug called "Speed Juice". Like the Flash though, Johnny can move at lightening speeds and can vibrate through walls.
Deathstorm - the mirror of Firestorm. His powers are just like Firestorm's so he can change and transmute the atomic composition of an object as well as it's shape. He is very very dangerous and would be a tough opponent by himself.
Grid - Cyborg's counterpart, but unlike his teammates he is not from Earth 3 but from Earth-Prime (home to one of my favorite DC villains, Superboy-Prime.) Grid is a sentient computer virus in a robot body, which was made from pieces of Cyborg's old prosthetic parts. So, like Cyborg, he can interface directly with any computer and link directly to the internet. He can talk to machines and kind of absorb them into his own body so that he can change their purpose to fit his needs.
Mazahs - Earth 3 mirrors Earth 0 (the main DC comics Universe) in everyway. The Crime Syndicate is the counterpart to the Justice League and like the Justice League, the Crime Syndicate has a main nemesis. That nemisis, also like Superman, is Lex Luthor III more well known as Alexander Luthor. This version of Luthor also mirrors Shazam, formerly known as Captain Marvel. Luthor's powers are magic based. A normal man with genius-level intellect one minute, then he says the magic word, "MAZAHS" and transforms into the might Mazahs. He has the wisdom of Solomon (taking Luthor's already superior brain and making it bigger), the strength of Hercules (power comparable to Ultraman and Superman), the stamina of Atlas (also comparable to Ultraman and Superman), the power of Zeus (magical lightening manipulation), the courage of Achilles, and the speed of Mercury (not as fast as Johnny Quick or the Flash, but again comparable to Ultraman and Superman).
This team is a serious contender to win the entire tournament! Whomever they face will have a really tough fight ahead of them!
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