Wednesday, November 23, 2016


Just a quick update here! I've been away from the blog for a bit, working on more original content that I am VERY excited about!

First of all, the Batman vs. the Punisher is on a whole new level! I'm doing something that I've never done before, and I mean that in different ways. For one, the writing of the piece is so much different than what I've done before and I will also be incorporating VISUALS!!!! I can't wait! So stay tuned, we're a ways away from a premiere but there will be updates.

Second, after Doctor Strange, I have been obsessing over Star Wars. Rogue One is out on December 16th, and I've got an alert set for when tickets go on sale.

But what's been keeping me busy the most is a white rabbit named Luke Skywalker. Episode 8 is due out next December, and I don't know about you, but I've been really interested to know just how powerful Luke will be.

So I've been studying the most powerful beings in the Star Wars universe, while also researching Luke's study of the Force. If you have not yet read any Star Wars comics, then I highly recommend Volume 1 of the new Marvel Star Wars comics line! It takes place immediately after Episode IV: A New Hope and features some really awesome moments including the reveal of a romantic relationship from Han Solo's past, an earlier encounter between Vader and Luke before their fight in Bespin (Cloud City in Empire Strikes Back), a fight between Luke and Boba Fett, and what I am most interested in, Luke's study of the Force after Obi Wan Kenobi had died! Great stuff, super awesome stuff to be researching!

I am also reading (at the same time); Darth Plagueis by James Luceno to get an idea of what "most powerful" means for Dark-side force users. And Shadows of the Empire by Steve Perry (which is technically part of the old Star Wars extended universe continuity, but it's all I have to go off of for now) which features Luke's study of the Force after the events of Episode V: THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK. So lots of reading for me!

Also, if interested, I was able to cross off a bunch of stuff from my "To Read" list last week. I highly recommend the following: World's Finest Batman/Superman: Public Enemies by Jeph Loeb - This is really enjoyable, especially if you're interested in the relationship between Batman and Superman. They're called the "World's Finest" for a reason, and they know each other so incredibly well. So it's really nice to have a writer who also knows these characters so well.

I caught up on Marvel's Civil War II, until today's new releases of course. Also caught up on the Dark Knight Returns III: Master Race by Frank Miller. Wait for paperback for both, if you can. DKR3 is good and fun, but I feel it would be a better read all at once, rather than the random months it is released. I think it's an every other month release, but I really have no idea, if it's out that week I'm at the shop then I pick it up.

Anyway, hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving if you celebrate it. Thanks for reading, and hope you stay tuned. I'm taking a break from social media for a bit, but I'll be back soon enough. Be sure to follow me on Twitter @SuperNerdyNews and check out the THE GOOD SHIT podcast now available on

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