Monday, November 28, 2016

#GoTMondays! is back and Winter is Coming!

It begins!

I mean I starting re-watching Game of Thrones! I couldn't take it any longer.

So what I'm going to do, is watch a bunch of episodes each week and then write up a nice analysis for Monday. Once again, GoT can be a Monday morning conversation!

I'm going to dive right in and kind of "live blog" the first episode!


Right away we meet 3 men of the Night's Watch, heading out on a ranging. While out, they find a few dismembered corpses that have been arranged in a pattern that looks like a circle with a line going from the top to the bottom.

The men investigate a bit further and discover the killer is still around. It rises behind one of the men, but only it's eyes can be made out. A glowing blue. The creature kills 2 of the men, but for whatever reason, allow the 3rd one to live.

BOOM! Opening credits hit.

I'm not trying to write for a new audience, because I want to talk about a lot of clues that can be found in the earlier seasons. So, for veteran show watchers, this is the first time we see what we now know is the chandelier in the Citadel library! First we focus on King's Landing, where the Baratheon Stag is prominently displayed. Then we head North to Winterfell, where the Stark's Direwolf is surrounded by a field of green. Moving even farther North to the Wall! Then we are taken across the Narrow Sea to Pentos!

This is the first time I've noticed Pentos on the map in the opening. Which is funny to me, because I've watched this entire season several times. I love when that happens though.

Awww the young Stark boys. They all look so young and innocent! And the girls! You can see the wildness in Arya's eyes right away.

This scene with Bran learning to shoot will be one that Bran thinks about a few times in the upcoming seasons. He stops remembering just before Arya shows him up with a bulls eye of her own! Which, of course, alludes to how deadly she becomes.

Just caught a death stare from Catelyn to Jon. I never really liked Catelyn Stark that much.

- Now we meet Ice for the first time. The Stark's Valaryan steel sword. This is also an important scene. It's where Bran is taught a lesson in lordship, leading, honor, and judgment. "Let the man who passes judgment, also swing the sword."

- Wow, this first episode is chock full of foreshadowing! The Starks just met their direwolf pups, and the mother of the pups was killed by a stag! Considering Robert Baratheon shows up in the next scene and gets Ned involved in the Game of Thrones which ultimately leads to his death at the hands of Joffrey Baratheon, I'd say this is a perfect example of foreshadowing. A brilliant clue for the show runners to drop in here. It's so easily overlooked, especially by first time viewers!

- Jon Arryn has died. Remember him? He was the Hand of the King just before Ned. We meet Jamie and Cersei Lannister for the first time. Already they're gossiping, scheming, conspiring, and talking about how Jon Arryn found out. Found out what, guys? Guys? Oh you mean that he found out you two bumped biscuits? Way to go.

-Back at Winterfell, we see Ned sitting in one of his favorite places. Under a weirwood tree in the Godswood of Winterfell. The face on the tree has it's eyes closed. I'll have to remind myself to see if that changes the next time we're brought there.

- oh man, watching Bran run over the rooftops of Winterfell, and climbing all over the place makes me sad for what happens to him at the end of the episode. If he only kept his promise to Catelyn! Well, if he did, he might not have become the 3 Eyed Raven.

- King Robert has arrived. There's a theory involving this scene. If you pay attention to how King Robert greets the Starks, you might say that Robert is cursed, because each Stark he touches dies (Ned, Catelyn, and Rob) and the ones he doesn't (Sansa, Bran, and Arya) haven't. Not yet anyway.

- Now we're down in the crypts below Winterfell! I think this place is going to play a huge role in the upcoming season by helping Jon figure out who his real parents are!

- Hahahaha and now we meet Tyrion! And what an intro! He's very blonde in this first scene.

-Back to the crypts and Robert is remembering Lyanna. Something I didn't notice before that sticks out now that we know the truth about Lyanna. Ned is quick to change the subject. Robert says something about how Lyanna belonged with him and that every night he dreams of "killing him". The "him" being Rhaegar. Ned then tries to change the subject by saying the all the Targaryans are gone now. Robert replies, "not all".

- And then we meet Daenarys and Viserys. It's weird to see Dany like this. But then gets in the tub despite being told it's too hot and she doesn't bat an eye! You know there's something special about her.

- Dany meets Drogo. She's so nervous and is totally unknowledgable of the world. It's crazy how much things change for her and quickly.

- Back at Winterfell, Sansa is pining after Joffrey. Here's another character that has NO IDEA what is in store for her, and manages to stick to her morals through almost all of it. Only when she realizes she must grow up and drop the "be a Lady" routine, and instead be a leader does she get interesting. Unfortunately I have about 4 seasons of annoying Sansa to put up with.

- Another important first meeting is now happening. Tyrion meets Jon Snow. It's important because it's the first time someone teaches Jon to own up to what he is. And Tyrion, being a dwarf, is the perfect person to teach Jon this lesson about being a bastard. This is also important because it establishes a foundation of friendship that gets stronger when Tyrion travels to the Wall with Jon. And when they meet again in season 7, that understanding they have and the bond they formed with help forge a powerful allegiance between the North and the Targaryan forces.

- Next scene shows Catelyn getting a very important letter from her sister Lysa Arryn, the wife of recently deceased Jon Arryn! She's claiming Jon was murdered and the Lannisters are to blame! Well, we know that this letter was a lie by Lysa to make Ned take over as Hand of the King! And it was because of Littlefinger that Lysa sent the letter! Bom Bom BOMMMMM!

- You haven't actually lived until you've experienced a Dothraki wedding. A Dothraki wedding with anything less than 3 deaths is considered a bland affair.

- And we meet Ser Jorah. He gives Dany "songs and stories of the 7 kingdoms." While Illario Mopatis gives her a fateful chest of 3 dragon eggs! We're told that the eggs are now petrified but still very valuable. HOT DAMN ARE THEY EVER! Drogo's gift to Dany is her own beautiful horse, with hair the same silver color as her own.

-I want a direwolf puppy real bad. I'm serious.

-Bran's climbing the tower! Oh no! Even the puppy is nervous!

- "The things I do for love," says Jamie. You fucking shit head. He's just a child!

Well that's episode 1! So many things happen! It's tough to watch and blog, so I'm gonna keep watching episodes and then do the recap at the end of a few. I might not wait til Monday, so stay tuned, ya nerds!

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