Monday, August 14, 2017


Did you hear it? Cause I freaked the heck out! Ok, only keep reading if you're up to date on all the episodes of Game of Thrones...

So in last night's episode there is a scene between Sam and Gilly. Sam is transcribing old scrolls per his assignment from last week's episode while Gilly is enjoying her freshly aquired reading comprehension skills. She's finding random trivia points written by an old Septon from the Mad King's days.

At first it seems as if they're just silly things she's talking about, like how many steps there are at the Citadel in Old Town or how many windows there are in the Sept of Baelor ("None, anymore".) But then she asks Sam an innocent question... "What's an annulment?" she asks. "It's when a man sets aside his vows of marriage." Gilly goes on to say (in a super casual way that you might miss if you're not paying attention), "well Septon So-And-So annulled a marriage for a Prince Ragger (RHAEGAR) and performed a secret wedding ceremony to another woman in Dorne." Then Sam flips his steps, I mean shit, totally ignoring what Gilly just said.

So do you get it?

Who was Rhaegar Targaryan again? Well he was the son of the Mad King Aerys Targaryan and heir to the Iron Throne. His wife, Ellia Martell, was raped and murdered along with their 2 children during the seige of King's Landing during Robert's Rebellion! Rhaegar, before all that, met and fell in love with another woman.

Still don't know what I'm talking about? Well, who do you think that other woman was? It was head-losin Ned Stark's sister LYANNA STARK!!!!!! Remember last season when we found out who Jon's real parents are? Last night's revelation means that DAENARYS IS NOT THE HEIR TO THE IRON THRONE BUT JON SNOW IS!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!

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