Friday, April 10, 2015

Spoiler Free DareDevil Review

Friday April 10th, 2015

At 12am on the West Coast or 3am on the East Coast, Netflix released all 13 episodes of Marvel's DareDevil.

I am now 7 episodes in and I am blown away.  DareDevil starts strong and just gets better and better.  Where do I even start telling you how awesome everything is?

From the story to the action to the acting to the loyalty to the comics; this show does everything right.  Charlie Cox as Matt Murdock (aka DareDevil, if you didn't know already) is superb casting, Elden Henson as Murdock's friend and law partner is a great comic relief, and Rosario Dawson as Claire Temple DareDevil's nurse friend/love interest is really solid.  Vincent D'Onofrio as Wilson Fisk (aka The Kingpin) is just flat out awesome in this.

Oh..BTW this is NOT a show for children!  It is VERY VIOLENT.  I had a lot of HOLY S&%# moments in every episode!  This is easily the most violent of all of Marvel's current movies and TV shows.

DareDevil brings a new level to the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) now though.  Follow me here.

DareDevil is what is known as a "Street Level" hero.  His business is with the criminals you would find in a local neighborhood and DareDevil works out of Hell's Kitchen in NYC.

Spider-Man is a great representation of a "City Level" hero.  He operates and protects New York City and occasionally teams up with "Street Level" heroes like DareDevil or Luke Cage or level up, so to speak, and team with "World Level" Heroes.

"World Level" heroes would be like The Avengers basically.  Characters like Iron Man, Captain America and Thor fight against villains that offer threats to people on a global scale.  So that's why it's a big deal when Spidey or DareDevil team up with the Avengers for whatever reason.

From time to time, not only is the entire planet at risk, but also the entire galaxy.  So the Avengers must travel to the cosmos and team with heroes who fight bad guys on a "Cosmic Level".  The Guardians of the Galaxy are solid examples of "Cosmic Level" heroes or Nova (aka Richard Rider) whom is another cosmic hero.

And then the Doctor Strange movie will introduce movie audiences to a "Magic or Tran-Dimensional Level" hero.

Anyway, back to DareDevil. I don't know how many people have realized this, but Matt Murdock is the ONLY secret identity in the MCU!  He's the only hero that wears a mask AND no one knows who's underneath it!  Captain America and Iron Man have their faces masked from the world, but EVERYONE knows who they are.  There's a Smithsonian Exhibit of Steve Roger's life before and after he became Captain America for crying out loud! Tony Stark admitted to the public that he was Iron Man in the first movie! And Spider-Man hasn't been introduced to the MCU yet, so he'd be the 2nd masked hero! This is strange to comic fans, because masks and secret identities have been a part of the comic book world since the beginning.

So go watch the show already! Get a netflix subscription or whatever and go watch a really super well written, solidly performed, action packed, dark and gritty and violent super hero TV show.  It's the best way to do it too, episodic format and commercial free AND EVERY EPISODE IS AVAILABLE RIGHT NOW!!!!

So go, stop reading this and go!!! GOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

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